Sunday, January 17, 2021

Little Bits' Loud Bits


I hope that like most people Little Bits will experience the joys and sorrows of life in stride, yet so far I’m not sure if this will be true. Sure she can be sweet agreeable courageous and kind, and much of the time she is not. She is a stubborn flighty cantankerous B much of the time, much like me. We all hopefully want our offspring to be better than us, and she, but there is so much turd parts of me in her that the shit thrown back at us covers the family in a foul stench.


Us: hey you have 5 minutes left then it is time to get offline

LB: okay

Us: it’s been 5 minutes time to get off

LB: okay, one moment

Us: it’s been 3 more minutes

LB: okay, one moment

Us: No, it’s time

LB: I know I’m stupid! you think I’m stupid! (throws device) why don’t you want me to have any friends! I’m sorry you hate me!

Us: None of this is true

LB: yes it is! you hate me! you think I’m stupid! (starts shivering like we pulled out a switch) sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry …


This goes on for the 20 minutes or so, something shifts her attention for a moment, then she acts as if it never happened. Can even ask her about it, and she probably won’t remember.


This happens several times a day. And low and behold, sheltering in place is not helping. The collective trauma that world is experiencing will need space and time to heal. And although we have adults in the room now, it may be too late to ever get out of shelter in place. Anti-vaccers with anti-democracy will kill us all. The revolution may not be televised but the fall will. 



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